Monday, April 29, 2013
umno/bn Gagal Tunai Janji Bina Masjid Di Sg Buloh Sejak 20 Tahun Dulu
Friday, April 26, 2013
Najib insults the Indian community with Zul Nordin's candidacy
prime minister, Najib Tun Razak's defence for Zul Nordin, who recently
stirred up a controversy over his derogatory remarks of Hindu deities.
He said, at least the MIC has some conscience over the selection of Zul
Nordin as a BN Candidate for Shah Alam. R. Sivarasa, was commenting on the latest development where a local leader and 103 others in MIC Shah Alam had quit because of the selection of Zul Nordin.
Salahlaku dan konspirasi...
Kenderaan bawa kotak undi dilencongkan ke kawasan ‘rahsia’

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
SIVARASA on RadioAustralia
go to:
The Unanswered Questions
A number of issues have plagued the nation, but the answers are still not
From Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani's sudden death, to that of custodial
deaths involving among others, C.Sugumar, who is the most recent victim on
Jan 23, and from the confession by the late PI Bala to the shocking murder of
Mongolian model, Altantuya Shariibuu and the Scorpene submarines, the
questions have been asked, but the answers are vague.
This has driven Subang parliamentary incumbent, Sivarasa to urge the
people not only to vote the Pakatan Rakyat representatives, but to ensure a
new government is formed at both the Federal and State level.
Message dalam FB oleh AJK JMB Sri Pelangi U5 Shah Alam
Setelah JMB mengambil alih pengurusan PSPU5, kita dapat keadaan selese...harga rumah melambung naik dlll.....oleh itu kenang lah budi dan mereka yang boleh melakukan perubahan ban berjasa kepada kita....
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Laporan Polis Terhadap Salahlaku Dato Seri Ir Mohd Zin
Sivarasa dedah calon BN Sepang terlibat jenayah wang haram

Thia came in from a resident
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Manifesto Selangor
Pakatan Rakyat Selangor umum calon dan manifesto 18 April

Monday, April 15, 2013
harga minyak turun...
7 Mei harga minyak seluruh negara turun – Anwar

Calon-calon PKR Sgor
Senarai penuh calon KEADILAN bagi Parlimen, DUN di Selangor
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Apakah hak anda....?
LFL anjur taklimat perundangan pilihan raya 17 April

Saturday, April 13, 2013
Ceramah PRU 13 Bagi Kaum India
Ini Kalilah!
Malaysia Chronicle (@MsiaChronicle) tweeted at 9:26 AM on Sat, Apr 13, 2013: Shout it loud: 'Ini Kalilah!' ( Get the official Twitter app at
Politik Murahan tiada tempat dalam PRU
KPRU: Serangan peribadi terhadap pemimpin Pakatan politik murahan
Badan Pemikir Kajian Politik untuk Perubahan (KPRU) menggesa Barisan Nasional (BN) menghentikan serangan peribadi ke atas pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat (Pakatan) serta menghormati Ikrar Integriti Pilihanraya yang telah ditandatangani oleh Pengerusi BN Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Jangan takutkan penyokong dengan SOSMA
SOSMA diguna untuk takutkan penyokong Pakatan – Surendran
(Oleh: Aliff Fikri)
Video Seks
Jangan layan fitnah Papagomo laga-lagakan parti dalam Pakatan
KUALA LUMPUR 13 APRIL: Rakyat diminta tidak mempercayai tuduhan yang datangnya seorang blogger yang kerap memapar rakaman lucah, kononnya KEADILAN terlibat dalam isu video lucah seorang pemimpin PAS.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Fund Raising Dinner PRU 13: Parliament Subang
Chew 0122072211,
Jack 0166268566.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Penceramah: Dato Ambiga
YB Tian Chua
YB Sivarasa
YB Elizabeth Wong
Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad
Anjuran PKR Subang
Jangan Guna SOSMA Untuk Kempen Pilihanraya
Keadilan tells police to stop reference to use of SOSMA during election campaign
The statement by Bukit Aman Legal and Prosecution Division Principal Assistant Director Dato Razali Basri reported in the STAR yesterday that the police will use the Security Offences (Special Measures ) Act 2012 (SOSMA) during the campaign period to ensure that the 13th general election is not affected by incidents or security threats is an entirely unacceptable position.
The statement by Datuk Razali as reported also made reference to using the section 124B of the Penal Code being the offence of activity detrimental to parliamentary democracy ( in the category of so-called security offences ). This sort of statement confirms the fears that were expressed by MP's during the debate on SOSMA in Parliament in late 2012 that the powers under SOSMA relating to so-called offence of activity detrimental to parliamentary democracy would be easily abused.
Dato Razali's statement further demonstrates the lack of understanding in the senior ranks of the police that the Election Commission is the custodian of the election process and the primary law applicable during campaign is the Election Offences Act.
Threats to use national security laws like SOSMA in the context of the campaign period will only undermine the integrity of the electoral process. The existing laws dealing with ordinary criminal offences and public order are adequate to deal with any incidents that may arise in relation to campaign workers etc.
The reference to use of SOSMA during the election process is totally unwarranted.
Keadilan calls upon the police to stop making references to SOSMA in relation to the election process.
Sivarasa Rasiah
Ahli Majlis Tertinggi PKR Pusat
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Penamaan Calon dan Hari Pengundian
SPR telah mengumumkan bahawa hari penamaan calun untuk PRU 13 adalah Sabtu 20hb April. Manakala hari pengundian pula adalah Ahad 5hb Mei 2013.
Untuk membantu kempen PakatanRakyat di Subang atau untuk sumbangan dana, sila layari:
Polis kena siasat peranan Omar & nama2 terlibat rancang fitnah liwat
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
PKNS affordable houses price at below RM150,000
This plan will be carried out in phases, with a total of 12,186 units to be built by 2020.
PKNS deputy general manager (technical) Abdul Ghani Hashim said the project was proposed in 2008, following their study which found that general living conditions of low-cost houses were lessthan-comfortable and that their surrounding areas were not properly maintained.
“For most low-cost housing areas, the development density is quite high,” he said during a press conference at PKNS Headquarters in Shah Alam.
“As such, this new concept, known as Rumah Idaman PKNS, will develop affordable housing that features more organised, sustainable and holistic environments.”
Monday, April 8, 2013
SAPU Msia - Rakyat diperbodohkan, Rasuah diutamakan

'We beat Alam Flora wastage, Syabas' leakage next ( Malaysia Kini )
COMMENT The last thing anyone suffering extensively from the recent water cuts wants to hear is more excuses or people in power pointing fingers, blaming each other.
I won't pretend - this article has very clear views over who and what is behind these water cuts.Nevertheless, the goal of this piece is more to argue - on the basis of empirical evidence, not mere rhetoric - that despite this unhappy mire, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
It occurred to me recently that one of the best ways to understand and contextualise the water problems in 2013 is to look at the rubbish collection problems in Selangor in 2012.
How Selangor beat Alam Flora
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Manifesto, BN tiru PR
Najib tiru manifesto Pakatan tapi tak akan laksanakan – Anwar

Friday, April 5, 2013
demi rakyat - demi pilihanraya bersih
SPR dituntut bersih senarai undi sebelum pilihan raya -
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Ceramah Jelajah Rakyat di Johor Bahru 2hb April
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Adun sambut baik penubuhan Badan Kebebasan Maklumat di Selangor

Sukarelawan PRU13 - pastikan BERSIH!
Di sekitar kawasan Parlimen Subang P107, ada sebanyak 44 daerah mengundi.
Kami memerlukan 1500 sukarelawan untuk dilantik sebagai ajen pilihanraya PACA.
Tanggungjawab PACA adalah membantu calon memastikan hanya yang layak dapat mengundi dan pengundian dijalankan dengan betul. PACA juga menjaga hak dan kepentingan calun.
Daftarlah sebagai Sukarelawan PRU13 di Subang.
Hantar SMS dengan Nama, no KP dan alamat kepada, Peter Chong 012 905 9948.
Terima kasih.
Samseng Umno persenda lagu Negaraku untuk ganggu ceramah