Thursday, May 27, 2010
Selamat Menyambut Hari Wesak!
Sambutan Hari Wesak pada tahun ini disambut pada tanggal 28 Mei 2010. Hari Wesak juga dikenali dengan nama lain seperti Buddha Punima, Hanamatsuri, Fodan mahupun Visakah Bucha bagi komuniti pelbagai kaum dan kebudayaan di seluruh dunia. Sambutan hari Wesak signifikan bagi memperingati tiga peringkat penting dalam kehidupan Gautama Buddha iaitu kelahiran, pencerahan serta kematian beliau.
Mengikut kepercayaan Buddha, Gautama Buddha tidak menggalakkan pengikutnya memperingati sambutan ini dengan cara meratapi atau mendewa-dewakan kelahiran, pencerahan serta kematiannya. Dia menggalakkan pengikutnya untuk menggunakan kesempatan yang dimiliki dengan mengukuhkan iltizam dan semangat untuk menjalani kehidupan yang mulia, membangunkan pemikiran, mengamalkan kebaikan dan berusaha untuk membawa keamanan kepada umat manusia.
Oleh itu, kita semua, tidak kiralah penganut agama Buddha, Islam, Kristian mahupun Hindu, haruslah saling berusaha untuk memperbaiki kehidupan dan menyumbang tenaga serta idea kepada usaha-usaha yang menjamin kesejahteraan dan keamanan sejagat. Saya berharap agar semua pihak dapat bersama-sama berusaha untuk menjamin kesejahteraan semua kaum di Malaysia khususnya dan di dunia amnya.
Selamat Menyambut Hari Wesak!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sins Of The Past....
This is the difference between Pakatan Rakyat and BN. Unfortunately, what we have to be doing now is cleaning up the previous mess. Thus, there is bound to be at least one party who will not be pleased.
We should look at the bigger picture, and move ahead.
Proper planning is important
THE problem of access road in Petaling Jaya reared its ugly head yet again with a heated episode involving Winchester linkhouses, Vista Subang low-cost flats and D’Aman Crimson Apartment in Ara Damansara.
The long-standing tussle made headlines again when Vista Subang and D’Aman residents came out in droves to stop the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) from building a new access road to link the low-cost flats to Jalan PJU 1A/41A, saying that they did not need the new road because it was a longer route.
In fact, their objection was anticipated by the council as the contractor had lodged a police report right before commencing the construction of the 750m-long road on government reserve land.
The residents’ protests had caused the project to be delayed for more than a year.
Winchester residents, on the other hand, said they had suffered a lot of anguish over the years for having to share the access road, Jalan PJU 1A/43, with Vista Subang as the road could not contain a heavy volume of traffic.
D’Aman residents, the third affected party, did not welcome the new access road because it would take up the land that they were now using as a carpark.
The residents do not want to say who’s right and who’s wrong here. They are only highlighting that the incident has yet again revealed the painful problems of not having a proper access road when a new project was developed.
And, there will still be problems when the access road is built later as a means to fix old flaws.
It is the same as other “road fights” in Petaling Jaya in the last few years. These are the problems residents and motorists have to bear — no thanks to the people who have approve the development projects.
Did they not see the impact of the project when they put their signatures there?
Did they not see that the road leading to the thousands of new residential and commercial units built could not accommodate the traffic volume?
Did they not see the obvious problems as simple as the absence of a proper access road?
Were they that blind or were they blinded by something?
Because of the people who forced the developments through, everyone who lives in the city is haunted by traffic woes.
The first thing they see when they come out of their houses or offices is a sea of cars choking up all the roads in sight.
Building a new road when there’s a jam or offering an alternative access road when residents cry foul is not really the answer, but repeating the same mistakes when approving new projects, will only land us in a more horrendous vicious cycle.
Every inch of land in this city is a piece of gold based on its real estate value, thus developments are taking place at a rapid pace with high density.
Of course, public transportation is not helping. They may have LRT running through the city but its frequency does not tally with the feeder bus service which operates hourly.
So, how do you expect motorists to leave their cars behind and fight with scores of other commuters for a space in bus shelters?
Now we hear from the authorities that they see the problem of fragment planning, and they will look at the whole picture when approving new projects.
Well, we hope they can walk the talk.
They should also bring it a step forward, too. While the voice of the residents — whether they are in favour or not — is part and parcel of a new development now. It should not just involve the few households next to the proposed project.
It should also involve the people living in surrounding housing projects, because they share the same roads.
It is baffling that projects with fundamental problems could be approved but when questioned the rational, they would just say “I followed instructions.”
While we hope the authorities give more attention to proper planning, they must also conduct a post-mortem of their wrongdoings or shortcomings that has brought hardship to the people. They owe us an answer.
Friday, May 14, 2010
BU11 Dewan Issue
YB Sivarasa has spoken to me in respect of the above article in the SUN
and asked me to respond on his behalf as he is still on medical leave.
He has asked me to write officially on his behalf to the Datuk Bandar to request for a chronology of the events and also a copy of the said contract.
In the letter, we have also advised that the contract and other relevant documents should be made public via the MBPJ website in order that concerned stakeholders and the general public are fully informed of the history of the events here.
He has also asked me to say that he is confident that the Councillors in MBPJ are fully committed to principles of transparency and good governance and will ensure that the public hearing for the related planning approval scheduled for the 21st May will be conducted in a fair and transparent manner and will ultimately result in a just outcome.
We must all remember that such issues keep arising because of the abuses of power committed in the past. This is just another of the many examples in Petaling Jaya and Selangor where publicly owned land meant for public amenities was handed out to private parties for profit.
Peter Chong
Aide to YB Sivarasa Rasiah
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Makluman dari YB Sivarasa
Saya ingin memaklumkan kepada semua bahawa saya akan bercuti atas sebab-sebab kesihatan. Mungkin rakan-rakan telah maklum saya selamat menjalani pembedahan membuang Kanser thyroid pada April 2000 yang lalu dan kanser tersebut telah dibuang sepenuhnya.
Selepas beberapa tahun, saya sentiasa menjalani pemeriksaan kesihatan seperti saranan perubatan. Baru-baru ini doctor saya telah mengesahkan terdapat ketulan yang membahayakan terdapat di kelenjar adrenal sebelah kanan saya dengan tanda yang sama dan ketulan tersebut mesti dibuang. Saya akan mendaftar di Hospital Putrajaya pada 6hb Mei 2010 dan pembedahan akan dibuat keesokan hari. Pembedahan akan dilakukan oleh Dato’ Hisham Abdullah yang merupakan salah seorang pakar pembedahan endokrin terulung Negara.
Saya akan berehat selama lebih kurang dua hingga tiga minggu dan selepas itu saya akan menyambung semula tanggungjawab saya.
Pusat Khidmat Masyarakat di Seksyen 8, Kota Damansara berjalan seperti biasa.
Saya mohon maaf kerana tidak dapat menyertai pasukan PR untuk bersama-sama dalam pilihanraya kecil Sibu yang dijadualkan pada 16hb Mei 2010. Lagipun saya tidak pasti samaada saya dapat masuk ke Sarawak selepas cubaan untuk masuk ke
Message from YB Sivarasa
Dear friends
This is to inform all of you that over the next few weeks I will be taking leave of absence to deal with some health issues. As some of you may be aware, I am a cancer survivor having experienced thyroid cancer in April 2000. In April 2000, I had to have my thyroid removed completely to deal with the cancer.
Over the years since then, I have of course been monitoring the situation closely as per medical advice. Recently, my doctors had noticed a likely malignancy in my right adrenal gland with related symptoms and have advised its removal. I will therefore be checking into Putrajaya Hospital today ( 6th May 2010 ) and the procedure will take place tomorrow under the very capable hands of Dato Hisham Abdullah, one of the country’s leading endocrine surgeons.
I will then be recuperating for about two to three weeks after which I will resume my usual responsibilities.
My Service Centre at Section 8, Kota Damansara will run as usual. My capable team comprising of my PA, Peter Chong ( 012 9059948), Special Assistant Balachandran ( 012 2583797 ) and Normawati ( Adminstrative Assistant 6157 1842 ) will be responding to any queries or requests that you may have in the meantime.
My immediate regret is that I will not be able to join all my PR colleagues in the by-election of Sibu which takes place on May 16h. Anyway, I am not sure that I would be let in into Sarawak after the ban imposed on me since Valentine’s Day 2009. I certainly intend to try to enter Sarawak once I am back on my feet in June.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
H1N1 - berwaspada
Kami berharap agar warga Parlimen Subang khusus dan rakyat Malaysia amnya mengamalkan langkah berjaga-jaga dalam menangani wabak ini dari terus berleluasa.
Empat Lagi Kes Baru H1N1 Dikesan

Beliau berkata tiga pesakit dari taman perumahan itu dimasukkan ke hospital swasta manakala seorang lagi diberi rawatan sebagai pesakit luar, dan semua mereka diberikan rawatan anti viral.
"Ini menjadikan jumlah terkumpul kes berkenaan setakat ini 13,748 orang," katanya dalam satu kenyataan akhbar di Kuala Lumpur hari ini.
Beliau menggesa orang awam yang mempunyai faktor-faktor risiko seperti asma, diabetes, penyakit buah pinggang, jantung, paru-paru, ibu mengandung dan kegemukan supaya segera mendapatkan pelalian vaksin H1N1 dengan segera.
Katanya, orang ramai boleh mendapatkan pelalian vaksin berkenaan di 104 fasiliti kementerian di seluruh negara.
"Majoriti kematian yang dikaitkan dengan jangkitan virus H1N1 melibatkan mereka yang mempunyai faktor-faktor risiko itu. Mereka ini mudah mengalami komplikasi penyakit sedia ada atau jangkitan bakteria sekunder yang menyebabkan sepsis dan boleh membawa maut," katanya.
Sumber: TVSelangor
Monday, May 3, 2010
Tindakan Polis Keterlaluan Dalam meleraikan Perhimpunan anti-GST

Ahli Parlimen Kuala Krai, Dr Hatta Ramli berkata hampir 80 peratus dari rakyat Malaysia akan terkesan dengan pelaksanaan GST ini, yang mengalihkan beban cukai dari golongan pemodal ke pundak kaum pekerja bawahan dan kelas pertengahan.
"Bila GST ada nanti cukai korporat akan dikurang. Kenakan cukai pada orang miskin tapi kurangkan cukai pada orang kaya. Ini yang kita tentang. Jadi saya harap suara rakyat jadi lebih kuat supaya undang-undang ini ditarik balik.
"Saya rasa perhimpunan ni bukan sesuatu yang rahsia, jalan pergi dataran merdeka pun dihalang. Tangkapan ini, bagi saya keterlaluan. Lagi pun hari ini Hari Pekerja, biarlah mereka merayakan," katanya.
Sentimen sama turut dikongsi Ahli Parlimen Balik Pulau Yusmadi Yusof yang menyifatkan perhimpunan anti-GST adalah petunjuk jelas betapa ramai membantah perlaksanaan pakej cukai ini.
"Polis yang menangkap tak faham bahawa 1 Mei adalah hari kepada semua pekerja termasuklah polis. Tanggal 1 Mei perlu dilihat sebagai usaha mewakili nasib pekerja.
"Dalam hal ini, polis tidak perlu melihat usaha ini sebagai mengancam. Saya kecewa dengan tindakan polis itu," kata Yusmadi.
Rang Undang-Undang GST dibaca kali pertama di Dewan Rakyat pada Disember lalu tetapi ditangguhkan untuk bacaan kedua pada Mei ini atas alasan lebih masa diperlukan untuk memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat.
Cukai empat peratus yang akan dikenakan kepada barangan dan perkhidmatan dikatakan bertujuan meningkatkan ekonomi negara tetapi kesan terhadap golongan berpendapatan rendah.