Sunday, December 23, 2012
Christmas Greetings
"Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013"
Please enjoy your holidays and for those travelling, please drive safe: have a safe journey.
Remember 2013 will be a very important year for Malaysia, this will be a year for all of us to decide the future of this country.
Please come out to vote at GE13, our children's future is in our hands, our vote.
Thank you.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Inaccurate News Report
14th December 2012
Re: Sivarasa’s medical condition
I note that there are inaccurate reports about my health in several media reports yesterday consequent to the postponement of the Kugan family civil suit against the police and government where I appear as counsel for the Kugan family. The media reports were apparently based on what was said in court by my junior counsel and the inaccuracies are not occasioned by the reporters.
There is clearly some unintended confusion in the facts stated in court.
It was stated that I had fainted in my home on Wednesday and was admitted to Subang Medical Centre. This is not the case.
I was experiencing severe laryngitis with loss of the voice on Wednesday evening. As a result I sought outpatient treatment with my physician at Sunway Medical Centre yesterday morning and was also advised to rest the voice.
I should be fit to continue the case on Monday 17th December 2012 barring which other counsel will proceed with the matter.
I reiterate that the inaccuracies are not the fault of the media reporters. I take full responsibility as the leader of the legal team.
Sivarasa Rasiah
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Isu Kerakyatan
Sivarasa hadir bersama ratusan rakyat memberi sokongan dalam protes isu Kerakyatan / IC merah, di Putrajaya
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Jamuan Kutipan Dana DAP Paya Jaras
YB Sivarasa telah sempat hadir dalam Jamuan Makan Malam untuk mengutip dana bagi DAP Paya Jaras.
Hadir bersama adalah YB Teresa Kok, YB Tan Kok Wai dan Sdr Khairudin, penyelaras DUN Paya Jaras.
Lebih 1500 penyokong DAP telah hadir bersama dalam jamuan yang diadakan di tapak parkir pasar Kampung Bahru Sungei Buloh.
Rumah Terbuka Deepavali
Pejabat Ahli Parlimen Subang dengan kerjasama Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor telah menganjurkan Rumah Terbuka Deepavali bersama di Kota Damansara.
Lebih 3000 warga Subang telah hadir untuk meraikan bersama perayaan kaum India ini.
Tetamu-tetamu yang hadir bersama termasuklah DS Dr Wan Azizah, YB Elizabeth Wong (mewakili YAB Mentri Besar Sgor) YB Dr Nasir ADUN Kota Damansara.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
PEGUAM Scorpene ke Parlimen
YB Sivarasa bersama YB Tian Chua telah memaklumkan kepada media tentang lawatan Peguam Suaram.
Pihak peguam telah menerima jemputan Ketua Pembangkang dan memberikan tarikh 22hb Nov untuk tiba di Malaysia.
Pihak peguam telah memohon agar pihak immigrasen akan membenarkan beliau masuk ke Malaysia dan bukan dihalang seperti dalam lawatannya dalam tahun 2011.
Justeru, Ketua Pembangkang Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim telah menulis kepada Menteri Keselamatan Dalam Negeri DS Hishamuddin untuk memberi kerjasamanya.
YB Sivarasa memaklumkan bahawa selepas menerima jaminan daripada pihak Menteri, jemputan akan dipanjangkan kepada semua Ahli Parlimen untuk menghadiri sessi taklimat bersama dengan peguam William Bourdon pada 22hb Nov ini.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Happy Deepavali
I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone, Deepavali Valtukal, Happy Deepavali.
As we light up our homes in celebrating the festival of lights, may we also light up the fire in our spirits.
Let this fire in our spirits continue to guide us in our struggle for truth and justice for all. Indeed the true meaning of this festival is a celebration of the triumph of good over evil.
May it brighten the lives of all Malaysians this Deepavali and beyond as we wait for the coming general elections.
As we enjoy the festivities of Deepavali, we must not forget our responsibilities to our future generation. Let us have the courage to bring CHANGE to Malaysia.
May each of us be that spark that will set the fire going: lighting up this Festival of Lights and a brighter future for Malaysia.
On behalf of my wife, Anne and myself, I wish you all a Happy and blessed Deepavali. I pray also for journey mercies for all those travelling during this period.
Thank you.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Response to Free Malaysia Today article dated 19 October 2012 written by B Nantha Kumar on the Bukit Rajah issue
The article basically makes allegations that I and Dr Xavier Jayakumar have “betrayed the poor “ and creates a false picture of the issue of the struggle for housing by the Bukit Rajah ex-estate workers. I now set out the facts from the beginning of this struggle so that readers can draw their own conclusions.
From 1993 my law firm has represented about 76 ex-estate workers from Bukit Rajah estate in their struggle against forced eviction by Sime Darby from the estate housing occupied by them.
One of these 76 workers was Mr. Mathialagan who is now quoted in the FMT article making false and malicious allegations. Sime Darby terminated the workers in phases from April 1992. They then offered the ex-workers low cost five-storey walk-up flats for RM25,000. Many workers accepted and moved out of their estate quarters.
Some refused saying that they were promised single storey terrace houses NOT flats. Sime Darby then initiated eviction proceedings in Klang Sessions Court against some of them in 1993.
I defended the workers and managed to delay the inevitable eviction for many years. Sime Darby then initiated further eviction proceedings against the workers in Shah Alam Sessions Court in 2005. Again my law firm defended them and delayed the eviction from taking place.
In 2007, Sime Darby started using more aggressive tactics and started demolishing empty houses to make the area uninhabitable to force the workers to move out. Tenaga and Syabas started cutting water and electricity. Again the ex-workers came to see me and I successfully initiated an injunction application to stop these hostile actions to evict them. All these litigation was done in the public interest and for minimal fees to defend poor estate workers from being unjustly evicted in breach of a promise of proper housing.
Furthermore, Bukit Rajah is not the only group of estate workers I have defended – I have defended many others as well. If the Pakatan Rakyat had not taken over Selangor in March 2008, I am sure that the final outcome would have been that all these poor workers estate homes would have been demolished with no certainty of alternative housing for the workers.
However after the change of government in Selangor, Sime Darby softened their stand and were prepared to negotiate. Dr Xavier in his capacity as a member of the State Executive Council facilitated the negotiations. The negotiations concluded successfully. The ex-workers agreed to accept the offer of a 20’ by 70’ single-story terrace house at the price of RM70,000 which when completed under the current schedule at the end of 2013 will be worth at least RM250,000.
The housing estate would also include a temple and a public hall. From the price and the value of the house, it is obvious that it was a good deal and why it was accepted by the ex-workers. On 1st March 2009, letters of offer with details of design and specifications were accepted in writing by 76 workers including Mr Mathialakan who is now making false claims that the workers were promised to be given a 15 acre piece of land. There was no promise at any time to the ex-workers to give them a 15 acre piece of land.
In the course of the negotiations a 15 acre piece of land belonging to Sime Darby was identified on which the houses were to be built. The letters of offer dated 1st March 2009 ( also given in Tamil to the 76 ex-workers ) only speak of a 20’ by 70’ single storey terrace house in a housing estate. No worker including Mr Mathialakan raised a demand for a 15 acre piece of land then. This was because there had never been such a demand even from them.
The worker’s demand right from the beginning was for single storey terrace houses which they finally secured. The housing estate for the 76 houses and temple and the public hall only require about half of the 15 acres of Sime Darby land to be built. It is for Sime Darby as the land owner to decide how to use the balance. Mr Mathialakan does not have an iota of evidence to back his false allegations. His allegations are not just malicious but also totally foolish. On what basis can he demand that the balance of the 15 acres be given by Sime Darby to the ex-workers?
I will consider legal action against future repetition of such defamatory statements especially if they are published by Free Malaysia Today again.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Who’s destabilising the government?
MALAYSIA is apparently under grave threat from human rights organisation Suaram. In the last few months, no fewer than six government agencies have been probing Suaram and Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, the company it operates under. Suaram has been accused of a myriad of wrongs — from filing “misleading and confusing accounts” to possible offences under the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act 2001 (Amlatfa).Suaram says it is prepared to be investigated and has been cooperating with investigations. At the same time, it has drawn attention to the timing of the investigations. Is it a coincidence that the government’s scrutiny of Suaram is happening during a Suaram-initiated French inquiry into possible corruption in Malaysia’s purchase of two French Scorpene submarines while Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak was defence minister?Besides the obvious accusation of selective prosecution, what else is so wrong about the government’s investigation of Suaram?Abusing government agenciesSix — yes, six — government agencies have been roped in to investigate Suaram. They are the Companies Commission, Registrar of Societies (ROS), Home Ministry, Bank Negara Malaysia, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission and the police. These agencies have met to discuss their respective jurisdictions and there has even been talk of setting up a “special task force” to deal with the apparent Suaram threat.But the alleged crimes revealed so far do not seem to justify the special attention and resources the government is investing in investigating Suaram. Suaram has been accused of filing misleading and confusing accounts, holding activities under Suaram when their company is called Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, and receiving foreign funds. Even if the most malicious of motives is proven against Suaram — and that is far from being proven — this list is hardly nation-threatening stuff.Yet, Suaram has been accused of plotting to destabilise the government — a serious matter indeed, if true. And Bank Negara has been called in to investigate Suaram under Amlatfa. This law covers investigations into a company handling proceeds from an unlawful activity, defined as a serious offence, whether local or abroad. Additionally, the financing terrorism clauses in Amlatfa require a company’s involvement in financing terrorist activity as defined in the Penal Code.Unlawful activity? Serious offences? Terrorist activity? As far as I know, Suaram’s main activities include the following:Compiling lists of persons killed in police shootings and who died in police custody.
Publishing an annual human rights report.
Educating the public on their rights in relation to the police.
Campaigning to abolish detention without trial.
And, of course, assisting the Scorpene probe in France.
Raising the spectre of money laundering, terrorism and government destabilisation against an organisation with such activities makes the government look paranoid, over-the-top in its reaction, and abusive of its powers. Indeed, the government could also be accused of using red herrings to distract the public from state infractions against human rights and government corruption.Worse, when the government enlists the aid of quasi-independent state agencies to bully and harass, it damages the credibility of these agencies, and taints the good work that they may otherwise be doing. This, in effect, is what will actually destabilise the government in the long term. As these important institutions lose credibility and stray from the public interest work they are entrusted with, public trust will tank. And guess what happens when public trust in government institutions is lost?Abusing civil societyBy threatening Suaram through the Registrar of Societies (ROS), the government is effectively also threatening Malaysian civil society organisations. Suaram is being investigated for operating as a society without registering under the Societies Act. The ROS says if Suaram had carried out activities under its company name Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd and not Suaram, then the Societies Act would not have come into play.Talk about stretching a technicality. Companies often use variants of their registered names in their day-to-day dealings. Maybank for Malayan Banking Bhd, for example. Or Astro for Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd. So, then, why not Suaram for Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd?ROS director Datuk Abdul Rahman Othman said the ROS would be taking stricter measures to regulate unregistered societies. One wonders, then, whether companies such as Liberal Banter Sdn Bhd, under which LoyarBurok operates, or CIJ Communications Services Sdn Bhd, under which the Centre for Independent Journalism operates, are next on the list.The ROS director’s remarks also ignore Malaysians’ constitutional right to freedom of association, which the Societies Act, in fact, excessively curbs. Under the Act, the home minister can unilaterally and in his or her “absolute discretion” declare any society unlawful.There are also the administrative curbs. Although the ROS director said they have made it easy for societies to register, this has not been the experience of several human rights organisations, including the Malaysian Chapter of Amnesty International. According to Suaram director Dr Kua Kia Soong, the National Human Rights Society took over two years to register even though it had two former prime ministers, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn, as patrons.Abusing the mediaFinally, there is the national media’s complicity in demonising Suaram. “Plot to destabilise the government,” proclaimed New Straits Times’s 21 Sept 2012 front page. “Badan biayai Suaram diragui” was Berita Harian’s. “Suaram mencurigakan,” saidUtusan Malaysia. Most of these articles did not seek Suaram’s views despite the sensational claims being made, and despite the fact that getting all sides of a story is a basic tenet in journalism.Enlisting the media to serve the government’s short-term ends while simultaneously crippling their role in holding the government accountable can lead to disastrous long-term consequences.For example, in 1994, an estimated 800,000 Rwandans, mostly Tutsis, were killed in the Rwandan genocide within a matter of weeks. About 200,000 were thought to have been involved in the killing. A Human Rights Watch study on how the violence escalated identifies the Rwandan media as a key instigator of violence. In the newspapers and on radio, Hutu Rwandans were bombarded with the message that their existence was under threat from the Tutsis and it was their duty to defend themselves. Graphic cartoons often accompanied such messages, making it clear what was intended. False information was sometimes broadcast at a time when independent verification was difficult.As can be seen from the Rwandan experience, it is no small thing for a government to use the media for its own narrow political ends. We can only speculate how differently it would have turned out in Rwanda if the media had taken the government to task for its genocidal messages instead of disseminating them.And, in Malaysia, imagine how different it would be if our media could hold our government accountable for its misuse of power, instead of feeding disinformation and playing up imagined fears.DestablisingSo who’s really destabilising the government? It is the Barisan Nasional government itself. How so? Its selective prosecution, discrediting and undermining of state agencies, threats to civil society, and corrupting of the media are surefire ways of causing disenchantment and anger with the government.The focus may now be on Suaram, and its ability to defend itself and survive the current government harassment. But the long-term casualties of the government’s recent actions may not in fact be Suaram. Those who stand to lose in the long term are state agencies, the traditional media, and citizens in our troubled democracy.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sambutan Hangat di sekitar Perayaan PorTor
Dalam budaya Tionghua, dipercayai bahawa setiap tahun dalam bulan 7, roh-roh yang masih belum menikmati keamanan akan berkeliaran. Maka, masyarakat Tionghua akan mengadakan upacara sembahyang untuk keamanan roh-roh ini.
Disamping upacara sembahyang ini, kutipan derma melalui jamuan makan dan lelongan barangan diadakan untuk mengutip derma bagi badan-badan kebajikan.

Kejohanan Bowling anjuran DUN Bukit Lanjan
Sokongan Kepada SUARAM
Beliau sempat memberi sepatah-dua kata-kata sokongan dan sedikit latar belakang SUARAM dimana beliau adalah salah seorang pengasas NGO Hak Asasi ini.
Perayaan Tanglung
Dalam ucapan Sivarasa dalam setiap Perayaan Tanglung yang dianjurkan di sekitar kawasan Parlimen SUBANG, beliau mengingatkan masyarakat untuk bersatu suara menuntut Keadilan untuk rakyat Malaysia.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Jamuan DAP Pekan SUBANG
YB Sivarasa turut diberi penghormatan untuk berucap di jamuan tersebut yang dihadiri lebih 800 warga Pekan SUBANG.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Response to RPK's lies
Press statement by Sivarasa Rasiah in response to the scandalous lies of Raja Petra Kamaruddin – 14th August 2012
Raja Petra does his lies again!
I refer to Raja Petra’s article published on his blog “Malaysia Today” entitled “The day I met P. Balasubramaniam (part 3) which makes scandalous and false allegations against me and another lawyer M. Puravalen.
Raja Petra does his usual spin of mixing truth and fiction in order to make a story sound interesting. Unfortunately for him, lies remain lies.
Let me give an example of how he did this just a few weeks ago on 18.7.12 in his blog. He dramatically did this opening intro for an article:
“When Sivarasa was in the opposition, he represented Sri Aman Development against MBPJ. Once Pakatan Rakyat took over the Selangor State Government, Sivarasa did a U-turn. He changed sides. He became a turncoat and represented MBPJ against Sri Aman Development ...”
I have never represented Sri Aman Development against MBPJ or in any case for that matter. That is a fiction created by RPK. It is true that I acted for MBPJ when Sri Aman Development sued MBPJ in a judicial review action. You can read about the details at So RPK’s words such as “U-turn”, “changed sides”, “turncoat” are all interesting sounding but in essence mischievous and false statements.
In the same way, he creates fictions ( i.e. lies ) in his recent above mentioned article.
Example 1.
He says I invited him to a meeting at lawyer M Puravalen’s house on 2nd July 2008 – this is the day before the press conference at PKR Headquarters where P. Balasubramaniam’s (“Bala” ) 1st SD made on 1st July 2008 was made public.
RPK also says that at this meeting “ In the presence of Sivarasa and Puravalen, Bala and his ex-police officer friend boasted how they used to bump off criminals and got rid of their bodies. Azilah, Sirul and we were all in the same team, they laughed”. This is a malicious FICTION created by RPK to attempt to smear me, Puravalen and Bala. It is false that Bala knew Sirul and Azilah and that that fact was made known to me and Puravalen.
If Bala had truly known Sirul and Azilah, he would probably have been charged together with them. In fact the police remanded Bala for about 2 weeks after the murder of Altantuya on a section 302 murder charge investigation. He was released without being charged.
RPK was invited to that meeting in Puravalen’s house the day before the 3nd July press conference to be given a pre-view of Bala’s 1st SD to put up on his blog and write about it which he did.
Example 2
RPK then goes on to say that after that meeting in Puravalen’s house, we adjourned for dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant to discuss the following day’s conference. Then, he adds, “Sivarasa coached Bala on what he should and should not say at the press conference”.
This is the same mixture of truth and fiction. It is true that we all went to the Italian restaurant. The rest of the allegations which I have highlighted above ie that we went there to discuss the press conference and that I coached Bala what to say is all a malicious lie and a fiction created by RPK.
What he does not mention is that we simply went to the restaurant because Puravalen had a pre-arranged dinner commitment there with some other friends. We did not go there purely to discuss the press conference. In fact Bala was quite open about his SD and mentioned the contents to the others present.
What RPK has omitted to mention from his story is that Americk Sidhu, a senior and reputable lawyer and who is also Bala’s lawyer, was present at the house and also at dinner at the Italian restaurant. RPK also omits to mention that he knew all along that Bala’s 1st SD was actually prepared by Americk after weeks of discussions and meetings with Bala going over all the details. It is quite far-fetched to suggest a scenario where I am coaching Bala in front of his own lawyer and people I had just met for the first time. Americk was also present at the press conference the next day at PKR HQ.
RPK might want to ask Americk for his recollection of the events at Puravalen’s house and also at the restaurant. He might also want to check with his own wife Marina as she was present throughout.
Example 3
RPK then goes on to spin the fiction that I asked Anwar Ibrahim to arrange for a Chinese tycoon to pay Bala RM20,000 per month in India . This again is a malicious lie and made to suggest that Bala was given a financial inducement to make a false SD.
Let me state this for the record – no one including myself offered or gave Bala any financial inducement to make the 1st SD.
Americk Sidhu has in fact informed me of a very interesting fact - that it was RPK himself who organised some financial help for Bala after he uploaded the interviews that Bala did in Singapore in November 2009 which were widely reported in the Internet ( the urls are cited in RPK’s Part 3 ). I have no problem with RPK helping Bala who was by then already over a year overseas. But RPK needs to be honest about why he is now singing quite a different tune and attacking Bala to suit a UMNO/BN script. But I suppose we cannot expect anything different now from RPK after his TV3 ( just prior Sarawak State elections ) and Utusan interviews ( end of 2011 ).
Example 4
Another lie he creates in the last two paragraphs of his article is that I promised to arrange another financier to support Bala in return for him doing his recent interviews with Malaysiakini where Bala revealed the attempts by Deepak Jaykisnan and UMNO Deputy Minister Hamzah Zainuddin to get him to sign statements smearing me and Anwar ibrahim and in return to get a deal to come home.
For the record, I do not go around paying anyone to make false statements. I would have better use for the millions of ringgit that I would have needed to do that, which I don’t have in the first place.
Americk Sidhu as Bala’s lawyer is fully aware of all the moves that Deepak and Hamzah Zainuddin made and documented the entire affair to expose the manner in which UMNO was still trying to get Bala to backtrack on his 1st SD.
Example 5
Another false and mischievous insinuation that RPK tries to sneak into his article is the idea that SUARAM coached Bala on what to say to the French investigators. This is a somewhat foolish assertion as RPK himself knew at all times that Bala did his statement to the French investigators in the presence of his lawyer Manjeet Singh Dhillon whose seniority, experience and public profile is well-known.
RPK’s allegations a feeble, belated attempt to damage Bala’s credibility
I conclude this response by saying this. The real issue is not what RPK is conjuring up now. The real issue is the truth about the real murderer of Altantuya. The Malaysian public understands that Azilah and Sirul were merely the instruments in the murder of Altantuya. The real murderer is the person or persons who directed these 2 policemen to kill her and dispose completely of her body by blowing it to bits with C4 explosive.
This question as to who is the real murderer/s was never really probed by the police, the AG’s Chambers ( at least from what we know publicly ) and also in the farce of the murder trial that took place. The question of what role Musa Safiri ( Najib’s ADC ) played and why he was making calls to the 2 policemen the night they killed Altantuya was never allowed to be probed.
The question of what Nasir Safar ( Najib’s private secretary for 20 years ) was doing driving around slowly in a blue Proton in front of Razak Baginda’s house shortly before the 2 policemen/killers take Altantuya away is also not asked.
The question whether it is true ( as asserted in Bala’s video interview in Singapore, put up by RPK himself ) that Najib’s brother, Nazim Razak met him on the night of 2nd July 2008 to threaten and also bribe him to retract the 1st SD) needs to be answered.
Why the Attorney General Gani Patail and the police are so reluctant to prosecute Bala for the offence of making a false SD if the 1st SD is claimed to be false is also very revealing and a key question in itself.
So what RPK is doing now are simply irrelevant side-shows to try to discredit Bala at a very late stage of the game.
If Bala’s credibility is an issue, then this should have been easily resolved a long time ago with the AG charging him for making a false SD and also charging Americk Sidhu for abetting in that offence. The fact that the AG refuses to do anything and our learned Minister Nazri ( in charge of legal affairs ) maintains that Bala has committed no offence speak volumes about where the truth lies.
Sivarasa Rasiah, Member of Parliament for Subang.
Member of Central Leadership Council and Political Bureau for Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Evidence Act 1950 , 114A
We the undersigned Pakatan Rakyat Members of Parliament wish to record our serious concern with the impact of introducing the new section 114(A) to the Evidence Act 1950.
This amendment was rushed through in the last part of the April session of Parliament. We are of the view that the serious consequences of the amendment have been overlooked.
Our concerns about the amendment include the following:
i. The amendment wrongfully presumes guilt rather than innocence. It makes individuals and organizations who administer, operate or provide spaces for online community forums, blogging and hosting services, liable for content that is published thought its services. This undermines core principles of justice, democracy and fundamental human rights.
ii. It allows hackers and cyber criminals to go free by making the person whose account/computer is hacked liable for any content/data which might have changed.
iii. The above will cause a chilling effect on user-driven production and consumption of Internet content which can negatively impact Malaysia’s thriving Internet economy, a significant contributor ( about 4% ) to our country’s GDP.
iv. It threatens the principle of anonymity online, which is crucial in promoting a free and open Internet.
v. It threatens freedom of expression online. UN special Rapporteur Frank La Rue issued a 2011 report underscoring the right to freedom of expression on the Internet and expressed his concern that laws that purportedly protect an individual’s reputation, public order, or national security ultimately are used censor the expression of information deemed unfavorable to the government and other powerful bodies.
This amendment contradicts the policy of local governments like DBKL and others who are promoting and considering making it mandatory for food establishments like cafes and restaurants to provide Wifi services to their customers. These amendments put the owners of such establishments in the unacceptable situation where they are now held criminally liable for the actions of anonymous customers.
We call upon the Barisan Nasional government to halt any further progress on this Bill although it has been approved by the Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara, and not gazette the Bill.
Legislation to repeal this Bill should be initiated at the next session of Parliament.
Pakatan Rakyat commits to such a repeal in the event that the Barisan Nasional does not implement it.
Sivarasa Rasiah, Member for Subang, Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Fong Po Kuan, Member for Batu Gajah, Democratic Action Party
Dr Dzukifli Ahmad, Member for Kuala Selangor, Parti Islam Se-Malaysia
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Sivarasa interviewed on BFM89.9
Friday, July 27, 2012
Do not damage the full potential and future of SRJK(T) Effingham
Do not damage the full potential and future of SRJK(T) Effingham - return the land to the school
I am completely disappointed with Dato Seri Palanivel's announcement on Effingham on Monday this week. Instead of correcting an injustice committed by MIC by stealing the land from the school, he is now trying to hoodwink the public with his announcement that MIC will build a hostel for poor students and a multi-purpose hall/ sports centre on the land to be used by all the 523 Tamil schools in the country.
Palanivel needs to understand and recognise first that MIC should never have made the application to the BN Selangor government in 1999 to take 3 acres of the original 6 acre site allocated by the developer for a primary school. MIC should instead have insisted with the BN government, which they are part of, that SRJK (T) Effingham was entitled to 6 acres like all the primary schools in the area including the nearby SRJK (C) Puay Chai which is sitting on 6 acres of land. Instead MIC looked selfishly at its own interest and applied for the land to build its party headquarters. As far as I am concerned, this was a foul theft of the highest order of the land from the school.
Today because of the public pressure to return the land to the school, MIC is forced to give up its original plan to build its party headquarters. They also know that as long as the Pakatan Rakyat rules Selangor, they will never be allowed to build that party headquarters.
So Palanivel's announcement has no sincerity. It is simply a meaningless exercise in damage control which does not address the real issue - the need for the 3 acres for SRJK (T) Effingham to ensure that that generations of Effingham Tamil school children have a decent school with decent facilities.
It is ridiculous to expect that 523 Tamil schools all over the country can enjoy the use of a hostel located in Bandar Utama. It is a foolish proposition. Equally foolish is the idea that the Tamil schools all over the country can enjoy the sports facilities that the MIC intend to build on the 3 acres. Such facilities should be available close to the Tamil schools wherever they are.
Palanivel is burying his head in the sand like the proverbial ostrich and refusing to see the need of SRJK (T) Effingham is paramount. The school does not need a hostel or those sports facilities. Right now they cannot even have a proper 100 meter running track because MIC stole those 3 acres. Why is he talking nonsense about building sports facilities? What SRJK (T) Effingham needs is the 3 acres of land so that the school can provide decent facilities to its 500 students. It needs the 3 acres so that Tamil parents in the area can see that the school can provide decent facilities of an acceptable standard to the children there. Only then will more Tamil parents be encouraged to send their children there.
What Palanivel and MIC are doing now by refusing to return the 3 acres is to destroy the full potential of SRJK (T) Effingham to best educate generations of Tamil children. This statement by Palanivel only further confirms the hypocrisy of MIC when they claim themselves as so-called guardians of the interest of the Indian community in Malaysia.
Sivarasa Rasiah
Ahli Parlimen Subang
Anggota Majlis Pimpinan Pusat Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Public debates on racial lines must be rejected
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Dialogue with Youth and Church Leaders
On Monday 23rd, YB Sivarasa met up over dinner with the leaders of the various churches from Kota Damansara.
They exchanged concerns faced by the churches including issues of registration, council policies on signboards for churches etc.
We look forward to more of these kind of interaction with other sections of the community.
Friday, July 6, 2012
Ceramah di Subang Perdana
Lebih 2000 warga tempatan dan persekitaran telah hadir membanjiri tapak ceramah dalam suasana pesta untuk mendengar perkembangan terkini tanah air kita.
Antara penceramah-penceramah yang turut hadir ialah YB Hannah Yeoh (ADUN Subang Jaya) yang berkongsikan perkembangan terkini dan pencapaian Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat di Selangor. Turut hadir berceramah bersama adalah Tuan Hj Mesni, YDP PAS Subang.
YB Abdullah Sani dan YB Dr Nasir Hashim turut berceramah bersama Sdr Aru, Setiausaha Agung PSM.
YB Sivarasa mengingatkan para hadirin untuk membawa perubahan pada PRU13 nanti. Tn Mat Sabu menjadi penceramah sensasi yang membakar semangat para hadirin untuk berani membawa perubahan dan mengangkat PR sampai ke Putrajaya!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
We refer to the false allegations published in the NST and Berita Harian on 21st June 2012 that opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had ordered former ACA director of investigations Abdul Razak Idris to make a statutory declaration relating to the RM 3 billion allegation. En Abdul Razak Idris has now denied the allegation that he was ordered by Anwar to make the SD clearing him of wrongdoing. Abdul Razak Idris has communicated this fact to NST and Berita Harian. We have been given a copy of his message in which he says, " Saya pula bukan diarah oleh DSAI tetapi saya diminta oleh KP SPRM untuk elakkan beliau atau pegawainya disapina oleh DSAI sebagai saksi plaintif dlm civil suit terhadap NST yg didengar pd akhir Nov 2009." From the preceding, it is clear now that the UMNO- owned NST and Berita Harian published a blatant lie against Anwar in order to inflict political damage upon him. This campaign of libel and character assasination is of course carried out with the knowledge and approval of Prime Minister Najib and UMNO who own these two newspapers. This denial by En Abdul Razak Idris' gives clear proof of the underhand UMNO campaign to defame and villify Anwar Ibrahim. UMNO and its media have now been caught red-handed making a false statement of a very serious nature about Anwar.The opposition leader has through his solicitors today issued a demand to the NST and Berita Harian newspapers to publish with equal prominence Abdul Razak Idris' denial that he was ordered to make the SD by Anwar. Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim also claims damages and an undertaking that the false allegations will not be repeated.
Issued by,
25 JUNE 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
6 Jun 2012
KUANTAN - Seramai 957 peneroka dari Felda Keratong 1 hingga 10, Rompin memfailkan saman dan tuntut ganti rugi sebanyak RM525 juta berhubung penipuan serta pecah amanah terhadap Felda dan Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd di Mahkamah Tinggi di sini, semalam.
Tuntutan itu berhubung pembayaran Kadar Perahan Gred (KPG) kelapa sawit didakwa rendah sepanjang 17 tahun, di samping mendakwa Felda tidak pulangkan kembali tandan buah busuk dan tidak berguna kepada peneroka.
Tuntutan saman itu diwakili tiga peguam bela diketuai R Sivarasa yang hadir bersama T Kumar dan Latheefa Koya di mahkamah kira-kira jam 2 petang.
Kira-kira 100 peneroka memenuhi pekarangan mahkamah. Hadir sama, Pengerusi Biro Peneroka dari PKR, Shuhaimi Said.
Sementara itu, R Sivarasa berkata, tuntutan saman itu berikutan defendan tidak menggunakan kadar KPG yang wajar terhadap peneroka.
Menurutnya, peneroka juga mempersoalkan tindakan defendan kerana menghalang plaintif melakukan ujian perahan minyak sawit di makmal bebas.
“Kenapa Felda menghalang tindakan mereka (plaintif) kalau tidak bersalah? Kenapa perlu takut untuk dibenarkan membuat ujian?” katanya.
Sebelum ini, seramai 770 peneroka membabitkan lapan rancangan dari Felda Chini dan Felda Chini Timur, Pekan memfailkan saman serta menuntut ganti rugi sebanyak RM442 juta di Mahkamah Tinggi di sini, 26 April lalu.
Pada Januari 2010, Mahkamah Persekutuan memerintahkan Felda membayar sebanyak RM11 juta sebagai ganti rugi kepada peneroka di Felda Kemahang 3, Kelantan kerana penipuan kadar perahan minyak kelapa sawit.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Secret documents sold to French company

Devious act
Saravanan dwarfs other MIC leaders

Saravanan took the bull by the horn. He challenged Sivarasa to a public debate on the issue, saying that since the Selangor state government is controlled by Sivarasa’s own PKR party, it can always take back the land if it had been illegally transferred to MIC.
