Sivarasa minta Kementerian Pelajaran menyatakan adakah memandangkan istilah 1Malaysia oleh Kerajaan, bercadang utk membatalkan Pekeliling 20/2000 yg menyekat penubuhan persatuan agam bukan Islam di sekolah-sekolah. Nyatakan jumlah pertubuihan tersebut yg diluluskan dlm tempoh 2001-2010
Jawapan Menteri:
Pertubuhan persatuan di sekolah kerajaan dan sekolah bantuan kerajaan adalah tertakluk kpd Per 4, Peraturan Pendidikan 1998, akta Pendidikan 1996. Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) mengambil maklum bahawa terdapatnya banyak permohonan utk menubuhkan persatuan bukan Islam di sekolah-sekolah. Sehubung itu bagi melicinkan urusan penubuhan persatuan di sekolah, KPM telah bersetuju supaya kuasa meluluskan penubuhan persatuan agama bukan Islam diberikan kepada Pengetua dan Guru Besar sekolah sekiranya terdapat permohonan dan perlu mematuhi garis panduan yang telah ditetpakan seperti yg dinyatakan dalam Surat Pekeliling Ikhtisas 2/2011: Peubuhan Persatuan Agama bukan Islam di Sekolah Kerajaan dan Bantuan Kerajaan. Oleh demikina, surat pekeliling Ihktisas 20/2000 telah dibatalkan dan semua Pengetua dan Guru Besar perlu mematuhi Surat Pekeliling 2/2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 27, 2011
Soalan Parlimen YB Sivarasa
YB Sivarasa minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan Sekolah Tamil yang sekarang berada di kawasan tanah Lembaga Getah Malaysia di Sg Buloh akan ditutup sama sekali atau akan dialih ke tapak lain dan adakah tapak gantian itu telah dikenalpasti dan apakah lokasi tapak gantian dan bila akan dialih.
Jawapan Menteri:
…setelah semakan dibuat didapati hanya sebuah SJKT di kawasan tanah Lembaga Getah Malaysia di Sg Buloh iaitu SJKT RRI Sg Buloh yang berstatus Sekolah Bantuan Kerajaan (SBK) Walaubagaimanapun, sebarang urusan penutupan , pencarian tapak gantian atau urusan perpindahan ke tapak lain adalah di bawah tanggungjawab pihak Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) sekolah itu sendiri. Pihak PIBG boleh mengemukakan permohonan kepada KPM dan perkara ini akan diteliti secara case by case sebelum mendapat persetujuan YAB Menteri Pelajaran untuk tindakan selanjutnya
Jawapan Menteri:
…setelah semakan dibuat didapati hanya sebuah SJKT di kawasan tanah Lembaga Getah Malaysia di Sg Buloh iaitu SJKT RRI Sg Buloh yang berstatus Sekolah Bantuan Kerajaan (SBK) Walaubagaimanapun, sebarang urusan penutupan , pencarian tapak gantian atau urusan perpindahan ke tapak lain adalah di bawah tanggungjawab pihak Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru (PIBG) sekolah itu sendiri. Pihak PIBG boleh mengemukakan permohonan kepada KPM dan perkara ini akan diteliti secara case by case sebelum mendapat persetujuan YAB Menteri Pelajaran untuk tindakan selanjutnya
Friday, June 24, 2011
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Perhimpunan Bersih 2.0
Tarikh: 9 Julai 2011
Masa: 2.00pm
Tempat: Kuala Lumpur
Masjid Kampung Baru
Bangunan DBKL
Masjid Kampung Baru
Bangunan DBKL
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- Hentikan rasuah
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- Akses media bebas & adil
- Masa berkempen minima 21 hari
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- Hentikan rasuah
- Hentikan politik kotor Malaysia
Read More on the Radiation Leak
Malaysian company sealed after workers exposed to radiation
SIVARASA demands answers
SIVARASA "Why withold information...?"
SIVARASA demands answers
SIVARASA "Why withold information...?"
17 June 2011
This morning at the Temerloh High Court, 711 FELDA settlers from 16 Rancangan Felda Jengka in Jengka Pahang through their solicitors M/s Daim & Gamany, filed a suit against FELDA (1st Defendant) and FELDA Palm Industries Sdn Bhd (2nd Defendant) for fraud and breach of trust.
The settlers were contractually bound by the 1st Defendant to exclusively deliver their oil palm yield (hasil sawit) to the 2nd Defendant and they have always been paid at a lower rate of the oil extraction grade (Oil Extraction Rate (“OER”) for the last 15 years – averaging at 18.5% as stated in the Akuan Penerimaan BTS i.e. the receipt that is given for each truck delivery of fruit bunches. There is no clear basis or information on how the 2nd Defendant came to these different rates which were given on a daily basis at the point of each delivery.
The settlers suspected something were amiss when they realised that they could never match the recommended rate from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board which was higher. In January 2010, the Federal Court ordered FELDA to pay 11 million ringgit in damages to settlers in the Kemahang 3 scheme in Kelantan for cheating them over the oil palm extraction rate.
The settlers through their representatives sent random samples of their fruit yields to independent laboratories to assess the actual rate of the OER. The results from the lab tests showed a much higher average rate of 27%. This would mean a difference of an average 8.5% over the rate used by the 2nd Defendant.
We have evidence to show that in the year of 2008, the 711 settlers from the 16 Rancangan Felda in Jengka had delivered at average yield of 120 metric ton per settler. The settlers were paid by FELDA the average price of RM560 per ton the same year. Using the figure of 8.5% lost to the settlers, FELDA has caused a loss of RM257.60 per ton which works out to about RM30,912.00 to each settler for the year 2008 alone.
FELDA has also deducted their fruit yields improperly by deducting an average of 200 kg per month for disqualified fruit bunches but they did not return the fruit bunches to the settlers. This led to a further loss of RM 560 x 2.4 or RM 1344 per year per settler or RM 14,333,760 for all the settlers over the 15 year claim period.
This means that over the last 15 years, FELDA has caused a loss to these 711 settlers to the tune of more than RM344 million.
Through this writ summons and the process of discovery in court, we will obtain the exact production figures for all the other schemes involved here to compute the exact loss over the claim period to the settlers.
The settlers are also claiming exemplary damages as they contend that FELDA, as the statutory authority set up by law to look after the welfare of the settlers has instead exploited its position of power and authority over the settlers and committed fraud and breach of trust.
Released by:
Sivarasa Rasiah (Lead counsel for the settlers)
Friday, June 17, 2011
YB R. Sivarasa mewakili peneroka Felda dalam saman terhadap FELDA
YB R. Sivarasa bersama warga Peneroka Felda |
Bersama Media |
Warga Jengka yang bersemangat |
Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan (Felda) berdepan dengan satu lagi saman - kali ini dari 711 peneroka rancangan Jengka, Pahang yang memfailkan saman RM344 juta berhubung dakwaan berlaku penipuan dan pecah amanah.Sebelum ini, Felda disaman oleh peneroka dari Kelantan, Johor dan Negeri Sembilan.
Saman tersebut difailkan di Mahkamah Tinggi Temerloh melalui peguam Ms Daim & Gamany yang diwakili oleh YB R. Sivarasa yang juga Ahli Parlimen Subang dan rakan-rakan pagi ini, dengan menamakan Felda dan Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd, sebagai defendan.
Dalam kenyataan tuntutan mereka, peneroka berkenaan mendakwa mereka terikat oleh Felda untuk hanya menghantar hasil kelapa sawit kepada Felda Palm Industries sahaja.
Mereka mendakwa sentiasa dibayar mengikut kadar perahan gred Kadar Perahan Asas (OER) sejak 15 tahun yang lalu - purata 18.5 peratus seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Akuan Penerimaan BTS - resit yang diberikan bagi setiap lori yang menghantar tandan buah sawit.
Peneroka berkenaan mendakwa tidak ada bukti jelas yang menunjukkan bagaimana Felda Palm Industries menetapkan kadar yang berbeza itu, yang diberikan setiap hari di setiap tempat penghantaran.
Peneroka mengesyaki ada sesuatu yang tidak kena apabila mereka menyedari yang mereka tidak mampu menyamai kadar lebih tinggi yang diperakukan oleh Lembaga Minyak Sawit Malaysia.
Peneroka, melalui wakil mereka, menghantar contoh rawak hasil buah kelapa sawit mereka kepada makmal bebas untuk menilai kadar sebenar OER.
Keputusan ujian makmal itu menunjukkan kadar purata lebih tinggi sebanyak 27 peratus, yang bermaksud perbezaan purata 8.5 peratus berbanding kadar yang digunakan oleh defendan kedua.

Peneroka terbabit dibayar oleh Felda pada purata harga RM560 setan pada tahun yang sama.
Dengan menggunakan angka kekurangan 8.5 peratus itu, Felda telah menyebabkan setiap peneroka kerugian RM257.60 setan, iaitu kira-kira RM30, 912 bagi tahun 2008 sahaja.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Radiation Leak at Factory in Selangor
I read with much concern the Bernama report yesterday of the statement issued by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili, on the radioactive contamination detected by the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB ) in a factory in Selangor.
The statement said, amongst others, "the radiation reading on one of the workers exceeded more than 400 times the normal reading” and that AELB found that the reading at the factory was more than 100 times the normal reading.
Although the statement claims that the four workers have gone through the decontamination process and that the premises have been sealed, this is just not reassuring enough to the public.
In the light of the LYNAS issue, the transparency of the government on this matter is of utmost importance and be made top priority if they are indeed practicing “Rakyat didahulukan”.
Why did the government withhold information on this radiation leak for almost 2 weeks? This incident came to light on 2nd June 2011 when 4 workers from the factory were detected with high radiation levels after they had gone to the AELB office. However it was only on the 15thJune 2011 that the Minister released his short statement. By not being transparent immediately about this event, the BN Government is showing its disdain for the health and safety of Malaysians especially the people of Selangor.
By only releasing part of the information and only now, the BN Government has possibly jeopardized the health and safety of our citizens. This is irresponsible of the Minister who must take all responsibility for any consequences resulting from hiding the facts from the rakyat.
I demand that Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili immediately release full information including the name, location and nature of business of the factory involved. The Minister should also disclose the type of radiation involved, half-life etc and all other relevant facts. How did the mishap happen? What went wrong? Is there radiation still leaking? This is absolutely necessary to allay the fears of the public and to prevent unhealthy speculation by them.
Further to this the Minister must also make public all reports and results of the investigations that have been carried out. We must also be informed as to how the Ministry intends to ensure that such a mishap does not happen again.
YB R Sivarasa, Member of Parliamen for Subang
Member of the Political Bureau of Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Member of the Central Leadership Council of Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
I read with much concern the Bernama report yesterday of the statement issued by the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili, on the radioactive contamination detected by the Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB ) in a factory in Selangor.
The statement said, amongst others, "the radiation reading on one of the workers exceeded more than 400 times the normal reading” and that AELB found that the reading at the factory was more than 100 times the normal reading.
Although the statement claims that the four workers have gone through the decontamination process and that the premises have been sealed, this is just not reassuring enough to the public.
In the light of the LYNAS issue, the transparency of the government on this matter is of utmost importance and be made top priority if they are indeed practicing “Rakyat didahulukan”.
Why did the government withhold information on this radiation leak for almost 2 weeks? This incident came to light on 2nd June 2011 when 4 workers from the factory were detected with high radiation levels after they had gone to the AELB office. However it was only on the 15thJune 2011 that the Minister released his short statement. By not being transparent immediately about this event, the BN Government is showing its disdain for the health and safety of Malaysians especially the people of Selangor.
By only releasing part of the information and only now, the BN Government has possibly jeopardized the health and safety of our citizens. This is irresponsible of the Minister who must take all responsibility for any consequences resulting from hiding the facts from the rakyat.
I demand that Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili immediately release full information including the name, location and nature of business of the factory involved. The Minister should also disclose the type of radiation involved, half-life etc and all other relevant facts. How did the mishap happen? What went wrong? Is there radiation still leaking? This is absolutely necessary to allay the fears of the public and to prevent unhealthy speculation by them.
Further to this the Minister must also make public all reports and results of the investigations that have been carried out. We must also be informed as to how the Ministry intends to ensure that such a mishap does not happen again.
YB R Sivarasa, Member of Parliamen for Subang
Member of the Political Bureau of Parti Keadilan Rakyat
Member of the Central Leadership Council of Parti Keadilan Rakyat.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Mesra Rakyat Melalui Sukan
Sivarasa telah sempat menghadiri program Badminton antara Pasakan Jemputan Pejabat ADUN Kota Damansara berlawan Pasukana Persatuan Penduduk Gugusan Matahari, Kota Damansara.
Program ini bertujuan untuk menggalakkan aktiviti sukan disamping peluang beramal mesra bersama penduduk penduduk tempatann.

YB Sivarasa bersama YB Dr Nasir sempat memberikan pingat kepada semua pemain-pemain dari kedua-kedua pasukan yang bertanding.
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