Press statement by Sivarasa in response to Malaysian Insider article on “Eskay wants Anwar to reveal details of Thailand trips”
I refer to the Malaysian Insider article dated today entitled “Eskay wants Anwar to reveal details of Thailand trips”.
As legal counsel to Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, I wish to warn Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah that he should cease his foolish and childish rants about Anwar’s travels in Thailand or anywhere for that matter in the world.
No sensible person would deem it necessary to answer the sort of questions that Eskay is posturing with pretended bravado. Accordingly Datuk Seri Anwar has been advised not to respond to Eskay’s foolishness.
If Eskay has any specific accusations to make, then he should make them and meet the consequences, legal and otherwise.
Eskay seems to have the benefit of BN conferred immunity from criminal prosecution despite having openly committed the criminal offence of being in possession of an obscene video and also publicly screening it.
However any specific accusation that he chooses to make instead of these foolish vacuous questions will be met with the appropriate and stern legal riposte.
Sivarasa Rasiah
KEADILAN Poliltical Bureau Member, and Member of Parliament for Subang
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Bukit Rahman Putra - RA AGM
Monday, March 28, 2011
Pemilihan PKR Cabang Subang
YB Sivarasa telah dilantik sebagai Ketua Cabang untuk PKR Cabang Subang dalam satu pemilihan dalam suasana yang penuh semangat dan keriangan. Syabas dan tahniah kepada semua ahli-ahli and penyokong PKR Cabang Subang.
Masalah Pemotongan Air di Pelangi diselesaikan

ADUN Bukit Lanjan, YB Elizabeth Wong telah berusaha dan mendapatkan baucer air percuma daripada kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat Selangor untuk membantu meringankan beban penduduk-penduduk Pelangi Damansara. Kerjasama antara pejabat ADUN dan Ahli Parlimen telah berjaya mengatasi masalah ini.
Satu Majlis oleh Penduduk-Penduduk untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada YB Elizabeth Wong dan YB R. Sivarasa telah diadakan baru-baru ini.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Celebrating Police Day?
Lawmakers on both sides of the political divide demanded that newly-installed IGP Ismail Omar end the indiscriminate fatal police shootings. DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang declared: “It would appear that with the change of IGP, there is no change in the police culture as such.”
By Martin Jalleh
There was deep concern and consternation throughout 2010 over what the public viewed as the growing “shoot-to-kill” culture by the police force or what R. Sivarasa, the MP for Subang, called “a culture of impunity”.
“It means that they feel that they can do as they wish and they won’t be held accountable… they can shoot, kill, and there won’t be any questions asked (or)… any investigations and that they can continue doing so,” he said.
The nationwide concern over the trigger-happy cops of PDRM culminated into public outraged in April with the police “killing” of 14-year old Form III student Aminulrasyid Hamzah about 100 metres from his Shah Alam house.
The callous responses and cavalier attitude of the IGP, Home Minister and the police as they tried to contain the public firestorm caused the public to lose confidence in them and repeatedly call for the IGP to resign.
Respected lawyer Art Harun captured the sentiments of the people so clearly: “Right-minded people of Malaysia regard the killing of Aminulrasyid as symptomatic of lawless totalitarianism.”
“But that which makes this case all the more nauseating is not so much that this totally unnecessary killing of a 14-year-old boy had happened, but rather the responses by various parties — those people upon whom our security is entrusted — during the aftermath.
“The responses have been anything but humane, sensitive or even caring. They are arrogant, defensive and downright rude. Where is the love? Where is the humility? Doesn’t it occur to these people that they occupy seats of trust?”
Further, the police have become very predictable with their pat responses: “The dead were criminals. They behaved in a suspicious manner. They tried to evade/resist arrest. They drove away dangerously. Weapons were later found. Police acted by the rules. The law allows them to defend themselves” (Free Malaysia Today)
Cold Blooded
Seven months after Aminulrasyid was gunned down, three youths between the ages of 15 and 22 were shot dead after a reported high-speed car chase in Shah Alam. They were suspected of robbing a petrol station. Two of the families of the trio claimed that they were killed by the police in cold blood.
Lawmakers on both sides of the political divide demanded that newly-installed IGP Ismail Omar end the indiscriminate fatal police shootings. DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang declared: “It would appear that with the change of IGP, there is no change in the police culture as such.”
Before the year ended, human rights and legal reform advocates “Lawyers for Liberty” highlighted the seriousness of the situation. The number of fatal shootings by the police rose 17-fold since 2001 – from five in 2001 to a shocking total of 82 in 2008 and 88 in 2009.
Judging from Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein’s curt, cold and caustic response, it is very clear that such “extrajudicial killings” will continue on in Bolehland! He said there was no surge in the number of fatal shootings. The matter was just being “sensationalized” in parliament. There could be a “slight increase” after all.
Hishammuddin’s continued his hogwash: “Let the police respond on the data …If not, I would be asked this question every day when there are other serious matters to respond to”. The data provided was from the police themselves! And what is more “serious” than the safety and security of innocent lives of Malaysians?
There were also those who were shot by the police but who managed to survive, the latest being Ho Chei Hang who was shot four times by plainclothes police officers in Kepong in November. The story of Norizan Salleh who was mistakenly shot five times by police officers last year continued to receive public attention in 2010.
It is evident that the only effective way to keep the police in check and the only convincing government action is the formation of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). Sadly, the federal government has proven to be a big hindrance to such a necessary move, and for obvious reasons
By Martin Jalleh
There was deep concern and consternation throughout 2010 over what the public viewed as the growing “shoot-to-kill” culture by the police force or what R. Sivarasa, the MP for Subang, called “a culture of impunity”.
“It means that they feel that they can do as they wish and they won’t be held accountable… they can shoot, kill, and there won’t be any questions asked (or)… any investigations and that they can continue doing so,” he said.
The nationwide concern over the trigger-happy cops of PDRM culminated into public outraged in April with the police “killing” of 14-year old Form III student Aminulrasyid Hamzah about 100 metres from his Shah Alam house.
The callous responses and cavalier attitude of the IGP, Home Minister and the police as they tried to contain the public firestorm caused the public to lose confidence in them and repeatedly call for the IGP to resign.
Respected lawyer Art Harun captured the sentiments of the people so clearly: “Right-minded people of Malaysia regard the killing of Aminulrasyid as symptomatic of lawless totalitarianism.”
“But that which makes this case all the more nauseating is not so much that this totally unnecessary killing of a 14-year-old boy had happened, but rather the responses by various parties — those people upon whom our security is entrusted — during the aftermath.
“The responses have been anything but humane, sensitive or even caring. They are arrogant, defensive and downright rude. Where is the love? Where is the humility? Doesn’t it occur to these people that they occupy seats of trust?”
Further, the police have become very predictable with their pat responses: “The dead were criminals. They behaved in a suspicious manner. They tried to evade/resist arrest. They drove away dangerously. Weapons were later found. Police acted by the rules. The law allows them to defend themselves” (Free Malaysia Today)
Cold Blooded
Seven months after Aminulrasyid was gunned down, three youths between the ages of 15 and 22 were shot dead after a reported high-speed car chase in Shah Alam. They were suspected of robbing a petrol station. Two of the families of the trio claimed that they were killed by the police in cold blood.
Lawmakers on both sides of the political divide demanded that newly-installed IGP Ismail Omar end the indiscriminate fatal police shootings. DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang declared: “It would appear that with the change of IGP, there is no change in the police culture as such.”
Before the year ended, human rights and legal reform advocates “Lawyers for Liberty” highlighted the seriousness of the situation. The number of fatal shootings by the police rose 17-fold since 2001 – from five in 2001 to a shocking total of 82 in 2008 and 88 in 2009.
Judging from Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein’s curt, cold and caustic response, it is very clear that such “extrajudicial killings” will continue on in Bolehland! He said there was no surge in the number of fatal shootings. The matter was just being “sensationalized” in parliament. There could be a “slight increase” after all.
Hishammuddin’s continued his hogwash: “Let the police respond on the data …If not, I would be asked this question every day when there are other serious matters to respond to”. The data provided was from the police themselves! And what is more “serious” than the safety and security of innocent lives of Malaysians?
There were also those who were shot by the police but who managed to survive, the latest being Ho Chei Hang who was shot four times by plainclothes police officers in Kepong in November. The story of Norizan Salleh who was mistakenly shot five times by police officers last year continued to receive public attention in 2010.
It is evident that the only effective way to keep the police in check and the only convincing government action is the formation of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC). Sadly, the federal government has proven to be a big hindrance to such a necessary move, and for obvious reasons
Saturday, March 12, 2011
MP Sivarasa dilarang masuk Sarawak

MP Sivarasa dilarang masuk Sarawak

Mac 12, 11 12:17pm

Kongsi 0
Ahli parlimen Subang R Sivarasa telah dilarang daripada memasuki Sarawak setibanya beliau di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kucing, pagi ini.Sivarasa memberitahu Malaysiakini beliau mendarat pada jam 10.10 pagi dengan penerbangan AirAsia bersama ahli exco kerajaan negeri Selangor, Xavier Jayakumar.

“Saya ditahan di kaunter imigresyen dan dimaklumkan bahawa terdapat masalah,” katanya.
Buat masa ini, Sivarasa ditahan di bilik pemeriksaan imigresyen di Lapangan Terbang Kucing dan dijangka akan dikenakan perintah halangan masuk.
“Mereka akan hantar saya balik ke Kuala Lumpur pada penerbangan seterusnya yang mempunyai tempat,” katanya.
Xavier, diiringi oleh isterinya dan seorang pembantu yang bagaimanapun dibenarkan masuk.
Ini adalah kali kedua Sivarasa dilarang memasuki Sarawak.
Pada 2009, pihak imigresyen Sarawak menghantarnya pulang ke Kuala Lumpur manakala dua bulan sebelum ini, ahli parlimen Padang Serai N Gobalakrishnan juga dihantar pulang
MRT bosses ignoring Pakatan MPs, says Siva
Patrick Lee
March 11, 2011 It appears that opposition representatives have no say in the project, even if the trains pass through their constituencies.
PETALING JAYA: Pakatan MPs are often left out of consultations on the proposed Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system even though the trains will run through the areas they represent.
When they do respond to questions from opposition representatives, officials of the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) tend to give incomplete answers, according to Subang MP R Sivarasa of PKR.
Speaking to reporters here today, he said he was at a Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) meeting in late January when SPAD officials dropped the MRT bombshell.
The attending SPAD officers raised the subject out of the blue, he said. “I was there for totally different reasons.”
The officers were accompanied by representatives of Gamuda-MMC, SPAD’s delivery partner in the MRT project. They needed MBPJ’s approval to build train stations in Petaling Jaya.
He said SPAD did not bother to call MPs and state assemblymen for the areas that the trains would pass through.
At least four of the proposed stations would be built in Sivarasa’s constituency.
He said the officials gave a presentation about the MRT proposal, but did not give satisfactory answers to questions posed afterwards.
“I asked them why stations were here and not there, and their answer was, ‘It’s because there’s another line coming from somewhere else,’” he said.
“That’s when I learned that there were other lines. So I asked them for the locations of the other lines, but they told me they didn’t have the information.”
He said he blew his top. “I said, ‘How do you expect us to understand your rationale when you’re not telling where your other line is?’
“This is the biggest project in the history of Malaysia, and you come to the public with partial info, and justify it with a half baked rationale.”
Sivarasa said the government needed to have more public consultations before going ahead with the controversial RM53 billion project.
Despite heavy public criticism against the MRT, the government appears determined to go ahead with it. It will call for tenders for various sub-contract works in April and award the contracts by June. Construction is expected to start in July.
March 11, 2011 It appears that opposition representatives have no say in the project, even if the trains pass through their constituencies.
PETALING JAYA: Pakatan MPs are often left out of consultations on the proposed Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system even though the trains will run through the areas they represent.
When they do respond to questions from opposition representatives, officials of the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) tend to give incomplete answers, according to Subang MP R Sivarasa of PKR.
Speaking to reporters here today, he said he was at a Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) meeting in late January when SPAD officials dropped the MRT bombshell.
The attending SPAD officers raised the subject out of the blue, he said. “I was there for totally different reasons.”
The officers were accompanied by representatives of Gamuda-MMC, SPAD’s delivery partner in the MRT project. They needed MBPJ’s approval to build train stations in Petaling Jaya.
He said SPAD did not bother to call MPs and state assemblymen for the areas that the trains would pass through.
At least four of the proposed stations would be built in Sivarasa’s constituency.
He said the officials gave a presentation about the MRT proposal, but did not give satisfactory answers to questions posed afterwards.
“I asked them why stations were here and not there, and their answer was, ‘It’s because there’s another line coming from somewhere else,’” he said.
“That’s when I learned that there were other lines. So I asked them for the locations of the other lines, but they told me they didn’t have the information.”
He said he blew his top. “I said, ‘How do you expect us to understand your rationale when you’re not telling where your other line is?’
“This is the biggest project in the history of Malaysia, and you come to the public with partial info, and justify it with a half baked rationale.”
Sivarasa said the government needed to have more public consultations before going ahead with the controversial RM53 billion project.
Despite heavy public criticism against the MRT, the government appears determined to go ahead with it. It will call for tenders for various sub-contract works in April and award the contracts by June. Construction is expected to start in July.
Sivarasa Memantau Projek Menaik Taraf Jalan Pekan Subang
YB Sivarasa melawat tapak projek menaik taraf Jalan Pekan Subang, dari Kelab Monterez ke TUDM di Subang.
Dalam lawatan ini, Sivarasa juga menerima memorandum bantahan daripada penduduk-penduduk tempatan. Beliau berpeluang mendengar maklum-balas daripada penduduk tempatang mengenai masaalah trafik yang dihadapi hasil daripada projek naik taraf ini.
Hadir bersama pada lawatan ini adalah Ketua Kampung Sdr Chang dan Sdr Michael Wong, wakil kepada ADUN Kota Damansara, YB Dr Nasir.
Dalam lawatan ini, Sivarasa juga menerima memorandum bantahan daripada penduduk-penduduk tempatan. Beliau berpeluang mendengar maklum-balas daripada penduduk tempatang mengenai masaalah trafik yang dihadapi hasil daripada projek naik taraf ini.
Hadir bersama pada lawatan ini adalah Ketua Kampung Sdr Chang dan Sdr Michael Wong, wakil kepada ADUN Kota Damansara, YB Dr Nasir.
Friday, March 4, 2011
SIVARASA - di Wangsa Permai
Sivarasa turun padang di Wangsa Permai. Bersama penduduk-penduduk tempatan memantau keadaan trafik di kawasan Wangsa Permai 2; yang baru-baru ini dijadikan laluan satu hala. Juga mendapat maklum-malas daripada penduduk-penduduk.
Sivarasa juga berpeluang mendapat maklum-balas daripada penduduk-penduduk tempatan mengenai isu meja kerusi yang diletakkan di tepi jalan oleh kedai-kedai kopi di kawasan tersebut.
Sivarasa juga berpeluang mendapat maklum-balas daripada penduduk-penduduk tempatan mengenai isu meja kerusi yang diletakkan di tepi jalan oleh kedai-kedai kopi di kawasan tersebut.
Good News Ahead for our Chinese New Villages
Roads and drains to be repaired in new villages
Photos by LOW BOON TAT
ROADS and drains in Sungai Buloh New Village and Subang New Village will be repaired this year, Kota Damansara assemblyman Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim said.
Dr Nasir said he had identified the roads and drains in his constituency that need to be repaired or built under the Malaysian Road Records Information System (Marris) fund.
“I will be using the RM1mil fund channelled through the state government to several areas, particularly the two new villages,” he said.
In bad shape: This unnamed road that runs parallel to Jalan Welfare in the Sungai Buloh New Village will soon be rebuilt together with the drainage system.
The roads and drains identified for repairs are in Sungai Buloh New Village, Subang New Village, Kampung Melayu Subang, Subang Ehsan and Pekan Subang under the Shah Alam City Council.
In Petaling Jaya, the areas identified are Ara Damansara and PPRT (Hardcore Poor Housing Programme) Kota Damansara.
A 800m road that runs parallel to Jalan Welfare in the Sungai Buloh New Village, which is used as an alternative access to the town, is among those that will be upgraded.
According to villagers, the uneven and flood-prone road has not been repaired since it was built many years ago.
“My office has already submitted the proposal for the repair costs to the respective councils. We will be keeping track of the entire process to ensure everything is transparent and fair,” said Dr Nasir.
“The local councils will determine the cost of the projects by early next month and tenders will be called soon after that.
“We will also like to engage local contractors and have forwarded the list to the local councils,” he said.
Dr Nasir said if the allocated funds were insufficient he would request for more from next year’s Marris allocation.
He said state new village development and illegal factories committee chairman Ean Yong Hian Wah had also helped in getting similar repair work carried out in the new villages in 2009 and 2008.
Dr Nasir said he planned to negotiate with the Public Works Department for Jalan Kebun Teh in the Sungai Buloh New Village to be reopened as an alternative access for heavy vehicles to ease the daily congestion.
Sungai Buloh New Village resident Chong Fat, 47, said the condition of the roads and drains had worsened and hoped the authorities would look into creating additional access to the village.
Photos by LOW BOON TAT
ROADS and drains in Sungai Buloh New Village and Subang New Village will be repaired this year, Kota Damansara assemblyman Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim said.
Dr Nasir said he had identified the roads and drains in his constituency that need to be repaired or built under the Malaysian Road Records Information System (Marris) fund.
“I will be using the RM1mil fund channelled through the state government to several areas, particularly the two new villages,” he said.
In bad shape: This unnamed road that runs parallel to Jalan Welfare in the Sungai Buloh New Village will soon be rebuilt together with the drainage system.
The roads and drains identified for repairs are in Sungai Buloh New Village, Subang New Village, Kampung Melayu Subang, Subang Ehsan and Pekan Subang under the Shah Alam City Council.
In Petaling Jaya, the areas identified are Ara Damansara and PPRT (Hardcore Poor Housing Programme) Kota Damansara.
A 800m road that runs parallel to Jalan Welfare in the Sungai Buloh New Village, which is used as an alternative access to the town, is among those that will be upgraded.
According to villagers, the uneven and flood-prone road has not been repaired since it was built many years ago.
“My office has already submitted the proposal for the repair costs to the respective councils. We will be keeping track of the entire process to ensure everything is transparent and fair,” said Dr Nasir.
“The local councils will determine the cost of the projects by early next month and tenders will be called soon after that.
“We will also like to engage local contractors and have forwarded the list to the local councils,” he said.
Dr Nasir said if the allocated funds were insufficient he would request for more from next year’s Marris allocation.
He said state new village development and illegal factories committee chairman Ean Yong Hian Wah had also helped in getting similar repair work carried out in the new villages in 2009 and 2008.
Dr Nasir said he planned to negotiate with the Public Works Department for Jalan Kebun Teh in the Sungai Buloh New Village to be reopened as an alternative access for heavy vehicles to ease the daily congestion.
Sungai Buloh New Village resident Chong Fat, 47, said the condition of the roads and drains had worsened and hoped the authorities would look into creating additional access to the village.
Standing Up for Ara Damansara - towards sustainable development
Ara Damansara residents irked by changes to project
Story and photo by YIP YOKE TENG
THE Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) spent much time drafting the Petaling Jaya Special Area Plan (RKK) but it is now said to go against the recommendations spelt out in the plan.
Residents of Ara Damansara found out the site for Ara Greens Wellness and Healthcare City project should have a plot ratio of 1:2 but the council had allowed 1:3.9.
The residents were also surprised to find out about the project’s conditional approval while it was agreed in the full board meeting in January the project was to be further reviewed.
They said another shocking find was that one of the blocks meant for service apartment later become a “hotel”.
A group of them visited the 3.24ha project site with Kota Damansara assemblyman Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim and Subang MP R. Sivarasa’s aide Peter Chong on Tuesday.
“The RKK recognises Jalan Lapangan Terbang Subang as a main road, development along the road can have a plot ratio of 1:4, and density should be reduced in accordance with its distance from the road and the LRT station. The project, as shown in this plan, should only have a plot ratio of 1:2,” said resident C.P. Lim, showing a print-out copy of the plan.
Concerns raised: Ara Damansara residents showing Dr Mohd Nasir (fifth from left) and Chong (second from left) the site on which the Ara Greens Wellness and Healthcare City project will be built and the relevant documents.
“The council has spent so much money commissioning the experts to come out with this plan, why are they not following it?” he asked.
He said the project had suddenly been changed to include a 180-room hotel, in place of the original service apartment with 180 units. The project will also include six blocks of medium-cost service apartments and one block of medical centre.
“The parking requirement will drastically change if they change the usage of the block from apartment to hotel. For service apartment, there must be 2.5 parking bays per unit and another 20% for visitors’ parking while hotel needs to have only one bay for every three rooms. Parking space will be reduced significantly,” Lim added.
The residents also highlighted that the site, as well as that of the adjacent proposed project named Lembah Penchala, was marked for recreational purpose in the Sime Pilmoor Development masterplan in 1995.
“Apart from the 5.3ha land, there were supposed to be two sites for secondary and primary schools but they are now occupied by a commercial area and an abandoned project. Where are the replacement sites? Why have the institutional land disappeared?” another resident Rajinderjit Singh said.
Lim pointed out that since the site was meant for recreational purpose, the utilities might not have enough capacity for such major development.
Chong said the council should explain as to why Form C, which means approval with condition, was issued to the developer while the council was supposed to review the project as requested by the full board.
“Once Form C is issued, all changes will need to be done at the state level, the council will no longer accept the appeals,” he said, adding there was a pressing need to look back at the minutes to find out what had happened.
Dr Nasir said he was also taken aback by the sudden changes in the development plan and questioned why the people were not consulted.
“We support development but there must be a balance. Development should not be done at the expense of the people,” he said.
On the other hand, a spokesman representing the developer clarified that the company did not have any intention to build a hotel.
“It could be miscommunication. The block is meant to be a service apartment, not a hotel” he said.
He added that the company was not aware whether the land was meant for recreational purposes but the current status was “commercial”, and the company had obtained conditional Development Order from the council.
As for the plot ratio, he said when the project was approved it was 1:3.9, and if a new plan had required the plot ratio to be changed, it should only be applied to future projects.
Story and photo by YIP YOKE TENG
THE Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) spent much time drafting the Petaling Jaya Special Area Plan (RKK) but it is now said to go against the recommendations spelt out in the plan.
Residents of Ara Damansara found out the site for Ara Greens Wellness and Healthcare City project should have a plot ratio of 1:2 but the council had allowed 1:3.9.
The residents were also surprised to find out about the project’s conditional approval while it was agreed in the full board meeting in January the project was to be further reviewed.
They said another shocking find was that one of the blocks meant for service apartment later become a “hotel”.
A group of them visited the 3.24ha project site with Kota Damansara assemblyman Dr Mohd Nasir Hashim and Subang MP R. Sivarasa’s aide Peter Chong on Tuesday.
“The RKK recognises Jalan Lapangan Terbang Subang as a main road, development along the road can have a plot ratio of 1:4, and density should be reduced in accordance with its distance from the road and the LRT station. The project, as shown in this plan, should only have a plot ratio of 1:2,” said resident C.P. Lim, showing a print-out copy of the plan.
Concerns raised: Ara Damansara residents showing Dr Mohd Nasir (fifth from left) and Chong (second from left) the site on which the Ara Greens Wellness and Healthcare City project will be built and the relevant documents.
“The council has spent so much money commissioning the experts to come out with this plan, why are they not following it?” he asked.
He said the project had suddenly been changed to include a 180-room hotel, in place of the original service apartment with 180 units. The project will also include six blocks of medium-cost service apartments and one block of medical centre.
“The parking requirement will drastically change if they change the usage of the block from apartment to hotel. For service apartment, there must be 2.5 parking bays per unit and another 20% for visitors’ parking while hotel needs to have only one bay for every three rooms. Parking space will be reduced significantly,” Lim added.
The residents also highlighted that the site, as well as that of the adjacent proposed project named Lembah Penchala, was marked for recreational purpose in the Sime Pilmoor Development masterplan in 1995.
“Apart from the 5.3ha land, there were supposed to be two sites for secondary and primary schools but they are now occupied by a commercial area and an abandoned project. Where are the replacement sites? Why have the institutional land disappeared?” another resident Rajinderjit Singh said.
Lim pointed out that since the site was meant for recreational purpose, the utilities might not have enough capacity for such major development.
Chong said the council should explain as to why Form C, which means approval with condition, was issued to the developer while the council was supposed to review the project as requested by the full board.
“Once Form C is issued, all changes will need to be done at the state level, the council will no longer accept the appeals,” he said, adding there was a pressing need to look back at the minutes to find out what had happened.
Dr Nasir said he was also taken aback by the sudden changes in the development plan and questioned why the people were not consulted.
“We support development but there must be a balance. Development should not be done at the expense of the people,” he said.
On the other hand, a spokesman representing the developer clarified that the company did not have any intention to build a hotel.
“It could be miscommunication. The block is meant to be a service apartment, not a hotel” he said.
He added that the company was not aware whether the land was meant for recreational purposes but the current status was “commercial”, and the company had obtained conditional Development Order from the council.
As for the plot ratio, he said when the project was approved it was 1:3.9, and if a new plan had required the plot ratio to be changed, it should only be applied to future projects.
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